Camila Foresti Lemos
School of Health Sciences (ESCS), Brazil
Title: Quality of life and perception of children with anorectal malformation, Hirschsprung's disease and idiopathic constipation
Biography: Camila Foresti Lemos
Introduction: Anorectal malformations, Hirschsprung's disease and idiopathic constipation are diseases with changes in bowel function, with fecal incontinence and constipation, and can impair the quality of life.
Objective: To evaluate the perception and quality of life of the child with anorectal malformation, Hirschsprung's disease and idiopathic constipation accompanied by an outpatient clinic in a public hospital in Brazil.
Method: It is a cross-section of 08 children from aged 5 to 18 years, diagnosed with anorectal malformation and/or Hirschsprung's disease or idiopathic intestinal constipation that had a medical return between October/17 and March/18. The data collection was initiated after approval of the research ethics committee. The SPSS was used for statistical analysis and Wilcoxon (Mann-Whitney) was applied for independent variables. Qualitative analysis was performed according to Bardin.
Results: In the children interviewed the total quality of life had an average of 69 (±15). The school aspect was the most impaired (51±13); however, the physical aspect had a better score (83±13) and was better in children with a higher socioeconomic level. Children with lower socioeconomic status had worse (p=0.02) social aspect (72±35). The mean of the psychosocial aspect was 62 (±18). The majority of the children were male with a better emotional aspect (64.38±23) than the girls (p=0.05). Children diagnosed at birth had better bowel functioning (continent) (p=0.00). Fifteen categories were identified in the perception of the children, demonstrating: basic knowledge about the disease, unfamiliarity about the pathology and reason for monitoring. Some children felt good going to the hospital, others did not like it. There was a report of bullying.
Conclusion: The monitoring of the quality of life and perception of the child can guide the multi professional assistance mainly in the children with lower socio-economic level. Multicentric studies are needed.