Pat Wills Bagnato
Advanced Practice Providers in the Cancer and Hematology Center
Pat Wills Bagnato has been a pediatric oncology nurse since 1985, and provided front line care to hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) patients and survivors for eighteen years as a nurse practitioner. Pat facilitated the dedication of a clinic team to the care of pediatric survivors of transplant within the HSCT clinic. She has presented and served in leadership positions in the local and national pediatric oncology nursing organization. Mrs. Wills Bagnato is Director of Advanced Practice Providers (APPs) in the Cancer and Hematology Centers at her institution. Mrs. Wills Bagnato facilitates an annual educational symposium for the APPs, provides a quarterly general pediatric oncology lecture to nursing students at one of the local schools in the medical center, and facilitated the first pediatric hematology oncology nursing conference at her institution in 2016. Mrs. Wills Bagnato will begin pursuit of her doctoral nurse practitioner degree in the fall 2017.
Research Interest
Cancer and Hematology